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Paintings by Liane Bredée (1933)

Liane Bredee - English Christmas Singers
(Engelse Kerstzangers)

2017 - mixed media on paper - 35 x 55 cm

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Liane Bredee - Winter plezier in Eindhoven
(Winter fun in Eindhoven)

1991 - oil on canvas - 45 x 75 cm

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Liane Bredee - Water in Drenthe
(Water in Drenthe)

2018 - acrylic on canvas - 35 x 45 cm

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Liane Bredee - Boom aan de Voidomatis rivier, bij Mikro Papingo, Noord Griekenland
(Tree on the Voidomatis river, near Mikro Papingo, Northern Greece)

1998 - acrylic on canvas - 30 x 30 cm

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Liane Bredee - Huis aan het kanaal in Helmond
(House on the canal in Helmond)

1987 - oil on canvas - 60 x 70 cm

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Liane Bredee - Midden Griekenland Fantasie
(Middle Greece Fantasy)

2022 - acrylic on canvas - 40 x 50 cm

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